Saturday, March 20, 2010


"For loneliness, I thought, is an opportunity. Only in such a state may ordinary minds, spared comparison with superior minds, emerge victorious from thoughts which might prove perilous to explore in company. Loneliness presents no challengers to undermine by argument and stipulation those comforting theories born of it. Loneliness is not deadening, even for dullards who contrive against the condition because it forces them to think. Unless men are transformed into true imbeciles and simply stare at nothing, or play with their physical toys, then loneliness can form a magic platform which may transport the meek to thoughts of courage, or even cause the scoundrel to examine the benefits of honesty. Mere physical seperation from other human beings can energize new conceptions for those usually incapable of any mental experiment. Yet to be thought lonely is to automatically to be pitied, which is an insult, since pity is most loudly offered by the patronizing and hypocritical. Pity for the lonely speaks of uncleanliness and rejection (poor fellow, he is not as admirable as I know myself to be); thoughts so often nursed by those terrified of seperation from the mass" Fate is the Hunter by Ernest K. Gann

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